Fix freeze when changing bin selection.Timeline track name: elide track name when collapsed or track height not sufficient.Fix effect param refresh issue and crash on undo add effect.

Fix crash on cancel clip job & correctly handle abortion of stabilize job.Fix bin tooltip for color clips (remove path).Fix possible crash and corruption on track insert/delete.Added audio backends options (DirectSound, WinMM and Wasapi) to the Windows version to prevent crackling in some cases.Fixed ability to use fullscreen monitors.Shortcuts: New shift + a shortcut to activate/deactivate target tracks, assign ‘g’ shortcut to add/remove guide, added standard F2 shortcut in Project Bin for renaming,.Render Profiles: added new audio profiles FLAC and ALAC, new alpha video profiles VP8, VP9 and MOV and GIF image export profile.Add menu in track header to switch between single and separate channel audio thumbnails.Snapping: Disable snapping when pressing shift while dragging, press shift when using Spacer tool to disable snapping.Facelift to monitor, project bin, timeline and audio mixer interfaces.Colored clips according to type in timeline.Rotoscoping: Allow editing rotoscoping points before closing the shape, Shift + double click to add a new point, add/remove points on double click, double click center cross to resize, add horizontal/vertical only resize handles.